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[Updated 3 July 2020]

Cinemas will be allowed to reopen from 13 July 2020, with Safe Management Measures in place, including a “one metre safe distancing” seat configuration. Up to 5 patrons (friends and family) are allowed be seated together without the 1m distancing requirement. However, different groups of patrons must comply with the 1m requirement. The maximum capacity permitted per cinema hall is 50 patrons. All patrons must wear a mask at all times, even inside the cinema hall, except when consuming food and drink.

Tourism businesses will be permitted to resume operations in stages from 1 July 2020, beginning with 13 attractions. The Singapore Tourism Board (STB) will also allow domestic tour operators to begin submitting their applications to resume operations. Hotels may also apply to reopen for staycation bookings, as well as the recreation areas for children (e.g. Kids' Club).

Public libraries and the National Archives of Singapore Building have reopened on 1 July 2020, with shorter opening hours from 11am to 7pm. The Former Ford Factory is open from 11am to 4pm. The shorter opening hours is in line with safe re-opening measures under Phase 2, and to safeguard the health and safety of patrons and staff.

Museums - Asian Civilisations Museum & National Musuem of Singapore have reopened on 26 June 2020, while Indian Heritage Centre, Malay Heritage Centre, Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall will reopen on 3 July 2020. Safe management measures will be implemented to ensure the safety of employees and visitors.

Places of worship may resume congregational and other worship services from 26 June 2020, starting at 50 persons at a time (excluding religious and supporting workers, which should be kept to a minimum), subject to safe management measures.

The Multi-Ministry Taskforce announced on 15 June 2020 that Singapore will move into Phase Two after 18 June 2359 hours. This is because community infection rates have generally remained stable, cases in migrant worker dormitories have declined, and there are no new large clusters emerging.


Approach for Phase Two

The aim is to ensure that Singapore’s efforts are sustained by limiting close contact amongst individuals, whilst maintaining hygiene and safe management principles.

These safe distancing principles will apply for all activities that are allowed to resume in Phase Two:

  • Ensure safe distancing of at least one metre at all times
  • If safe distancing is not feasible, the one metre requirement can be enforced between groups, if group sizes do not exceed five people. There should be no mixing between groups. This applies to small-group social gatherings and households, who may receive up to five visitors at any one time.

Activities that can resume

These are the activities that can resume once Phase Two begins from 18 June 2020 2359 hours:

  • Retail businesses, who may re-open their physical outlets
  • Dine-in at food and beverage outlets (although live music, television and video screenings are not allowed at this stage)
  • Personal health and wellness activities
  • Home-based services
  • Tuition and other private enrichment classes (although singing or voice training classes will not resume)
  • Sports, parks and other public facilities. These include playgrounds, beaches, swimming complexes, sport halls, gyms and fitness studios, function rooms, and similar facilities in private condominiums and clubs
  • Registered clubs and societies, at their registered premises
  • All healthcare services, including face-to-face visits at residential facilities for the elderly, although safe distancing and precautionary measures will be put in place

Larger public venues, with high human traffic, such as malls and large standalone retail outlets must restrict capacity and prevent crowds or long queues from building up.


Activities that can resume with specific rules

Specific rules will apply to the following events:

  • Weddings: Solemnisations at home, and at ROM or ROMM, may take place with up to ten people, excluding the solemnizer. At other venues, they may take place with up to twenty people, excluding the solemnizer
  • Wakes and funerals: Twenty people may be present at any one time
  • Schools and Institutes of Higher Learning (IHLs): Students will return to school daily from 29 June 2020. IHLs will gradually increase the number of students back on campus for face-to-face learning


Activities that cannot resume for now

Some activities, where many people come into close contact for long periods of time, will take more time to resume. This is to ensure large clusters do not form. These include:

  • Large-scale events and venues, such as conferences, exhibitions, concerts and trade fairs
  • Entertainment venues such as bars, nightclubs, karaoke outlets, theatres, as well as indoor and outdoor attractions

Businesses to ensure telecommuting and safe management

All employers have to ensure telecommuting by default, where possible. Employers must also ensure safe management measures are put in place. These include no social gatherings between employees and ensuring safe distancing of at least one metre at all times.

The one metre safe distancing requirement may only be waived for groups of not more than five people in permitted businesses, such as F&B dine-in settings or classes where individuals come together for activities. Businesses must still ensure safe management measures are in place.

Businesses who are found to be flouting safe management principles may be required to close.

Everyone should play their part to achieve a COVID-safe Singapore

There will be more new community cases as activities resume. Everyone needs to exercise caution:

  • Be socially responsible
  • Practise good personal hygiene
  • Ensure safe distancing and adhere to safe management principles   
  • Use SafeEntry to check in and out when required, download and install the TraceTogether app   
  • Keep number of contacts small and limited to your regular circle of close contacts, to protect yourself and your families
  • Seniors, who are especially vulnerable, should continue to exercise extra caution and stay at home as much as possible

The Multi-Ministry Taskforce will monitor the situation closely, with the aim of re-opening our economy and society progressively, until a new normal is reached in Phase Three.